Prof. Dr. Michael Frese

Main research topics:

  • Stress at work and unemployment
  • Errors and error management/ failures
  • Action regulation theory of performance
  • Motivation/emotion and performance
  • Innovation and innovation processes
  • Psychology of entrepreneurship
  • Training to enhance entrepreneurial mindset in developing countries

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Worked with the following institutions: UNESCO commissions, in Germany, Uganda, Kenya, and other African countries; worked with DAAD to enhance cooperation between African universities and German universities, did numerous studies with the Worldbank (Gender Innovation Lab) on enhancing entrepreneurship (among many countries, also in Togo (cf. and DRC
  • Professor ​Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management) and Professor for Psychology, particularly Entrepreneurship and Innovation, at Leuphana University of Lueneburg (Visiting Prof. at Markerere University Business School)
  • Earlier appointments, chairs, and long-term visiting professorships: University of Pennsylvania, University of Munich, University of Giessen, University of Amsterdam, London Business School, NUS Business School Singapore (Provost chair and chairperson)
  • Authored ca 200 journal articles in SCIENCE, AMJ, JAP, PP, AMLE, JPSP, JBV, ROB, JOB, JVB, JOOP, and APIR; 200 book chapters and ca 30 books and edited special issues;  ca 80 invited keynote addresses ca 430 scientific talks
  • The most highly cited management and entrepreneurship scholar in Malaysia, Europe, Asia-Pacific; worldwide the 6th most highly cited scientist; (h=index 120; more than 80,000 Google citations with 17 articles cited more than 1000 times; i10=295, a measure of articles being cited more than 10 times); Stanford Ranking by Ioannidis et al puts him in the 2% most influential researchers in Management worldwide
  • Most recent book publication: Gielnik, M. M., Cardon, M. S., & Frese, M. (Eds.). (2021). The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives. New York Routledge.
  • Elected Fellow of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina – the oldest National Academy in the world counting Darwin and Einstein in its ranks)); elected Fellow of the Academy of Management, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (APA), International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), and of Association for Psychological Science (APS);
  • President of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) 2002-2006.
  • Important Awards: 2015: Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award by Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP); 2015: Greif Research Impact Award,received from Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division for most impactful entrepreneurship article (for Rauch, Wiklund, Lumpkin & Frese, 2009); 2016: Emerald Africa Academy of Management Trailblazer Award (3rd Biennial Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, January, 2016); 2016: Hogan Award for Personality and Performance (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Conference, 2016);  2016: Distinguished Career Contributions Award by German Psychological Association (50. Congress of the German Psychological Association in Leipzig Oct 2016); 2016: The highest award of entrepreneurship division in the Academy of ManagementEntrepreneurship division career award: The Dedication to Entrepreneurship (awarded atThe 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management – August 5-9, 2016 – Anaheim, California, United States); Responsible Research in Management 2017 (International Association for Chinese Management Research); 2018 IAAP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award (29th International Congress of Applied Psychology Montreal June 2018); 2021 Life Time Achievement Award of Organizational Behavior Division, Academy of Management; 2022, Hogan Award for Personality and Performance (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Conference, 2023); 2024 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, Stockholm, the most important entrepreneurship research award (
  • More than 500 talks, research, and consulting projects in companies (e.g. for almost every DAX-listed company in Germany; and various companies in Asia, particularly in Singapore and Malaysia).
Speaker Details
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    Asia School of Business & Leuphana University
    University of Lueneburg, Germany
Speaker Details
  • Profession
  • Company
    Asia School of Business & Leuphana University
    University of Lueneburg, Germany