Kiu Jia Yaw

Jia Yaw is the Co-Chair of the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance, a network of more than 90 civil society organisations whose work relate to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Member organisations work across all 17 SDGs. They include WWF Malaysia, the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) and the Malaysian Youth Council. The Alliance is an official civil society partner to the Government of Malaysia with regard to the SDGs. It works regularly with various ministries and agencies on developmental policies and transformation.

Jia Yaw is a lawyer by profession. He is the founder of Kiu & Co., a sustainable development law firm.

He is the Chair of the Bar Council Environment and Climate Change Committee which works on environmental justice and climate change.

He is a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, where he is presently on the governance team developing the National Planetary Health Action Plan.

For the past 2 years, Jia Yaw has been one of the judges of the annual sustainability awards organised by the UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei.

He serves on the ESG Committee of the Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KLSCCCI).

Speaker Details
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    Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance
Speaker Details
  • Profession
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    Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance