Future Cities Summit 2024

Plenary One - Panel Discussion

Balancing Economic Prosperity in Future Cities Development: Sustainable Design, Inclusive Placemaking, Construction Excellence

Plenary Two

Livable Spaces : Inclusive, Accessible and Affordable

Plenary Three

Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Urban Projects: The Potential of AI - Enabled People Centric Cities with 5P Model

Plenary Four

Creating Future - Proof Cities by Improving City Resilience and Development

Plenary Five

Hardware, Software, Heartware: Smart Cities Are Not All About Big Data

  • Providing an insight into the role of big data with reference t0 Slovakia’s National Digital Twin
  • Meeting urban challenges that necessitates greater stakeholder collaboration found within each city
  • Addressing the pressing challenges of climate change, transmigration and geo - political instability
Plenary Seven

City of the Future: The Power of Retrofit

Transforming the existing building stock into energy efficient and high performance buildings with short ROI

  • Featuring case study of deep retrofit
  • Exploring highly energy efficient and zero energy with solar roof
  • Integrating successful facade retrofit
  • Improving thermal comfort and good occupancy satisfaction
Plenary One

Global Insights, Local Impact : Malaysia’s Rising Construction Sector

YB Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi
Minister of Works, Malaysia

*Press Conference & BuildXpo 2024 Visit (Invited guests only)

Plenary Two

Navigating Market Dynamics in Malaysia’s Construction Sector

Plenary Three - Panel Discussion

Smart Infrastructure and IOT Integration: Smart Grid and Energy Efficient Systems for Urban Development

Plenary Four

Masterplanning Future Cities: Building and Revitalising the City Core through the Inclusion of Building Designs That Are Inspired by Nature

Featuring case studies on Shah Alam series such as PKNS Headquarters, Floating Restaurant + Galleria SA Sentral

  • Exploring new models of urban architecture to take on the specifics of Asian urban development
  • Designing solutions towards a balanced environment for urban life where public amenities and work opportunities are within easy access
Plenary Five

Infrastructure of 5G and Beyond: Emerging Technologies in Urban Development OR Leveraging Digitalisation Across Buildings, Mobility and Energy Infrastructure to Achieve Net Zero Carbon

Plenary Six

Implementing Green Spaces in Urban Environment and Exploring the Benefits of Green Building Certification

Plenary Seven

Digital IBS: The Role of Industrialised Building Systems in Malaysian Sustainable Construction, Why It Matters?

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