
Erick Hadi
Nusantara Data Center Academy
Erick Hadi is presently the Head of Talent Development and Industry Certifications for the Indonesian Data Center Provider Organization (IDPRO).
TPr Lee Yoke San
Principal Assistant Director
Department of Town and Country Planning
TPr Lee Yoke San, a dedicated Town Planner serving within the Department of Town and Country Planning under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government.
Umang Varma
Director, Tech Cloud Architects
Oracle Corporation
Umang Varma is a prolific blogger on emerging tech & writes for industry publications. He is a regular panelist & speaker at global forums where he shares his insights on Gen AI, cloud computing & emerging tech.
Sandeep Yadav
Technical Solutions Architect
Cisco Malaysia
Dato’ Ts. Dr. Amirudin Abdul Wahab
Chief Executive Officer
CyberSecurity Malaysia
Dato' Ts. Dr Haji Amirudin Abdul Wahab is the Chief Executive Officer of CyberSecurity Malaysia, a cybersecurity specialist and technical agency that monitors e-sovereignty of the country.
Tan Aik Keong
Chief Executive Officer
Agmo Group of Companies
Tan Aik Keong (AK) is the founder and CEO of Agmo Group of Companies, a public listed company in Bursa Malaysia.